Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The Love for Tourism

I could ask everyone in my Google circles or even my Facebook friends if they love to travel or go on holiday.. and I can guarantee you that nearly everyone.. oh what the heck.. everyone would reply to a resounding YES!

Okay.. it may be a yes… then why is it that there is on certain occasions a notion of displeasure when a destination is crowded with tourists.  This summer I visited a few European cities whilst on a cruise holiday.  My experience within certain cities was of irritation and tension.  I do not want to be misinterpreted when I say this as this was on certain circumstances, but there were some unpleasant moments which really do affect the visitor.  Many places around the world especially certain Islands in the Caribbean benefit from what is called the “Tourist Dollar”.  They believe that tourist dollars are the icing on the cake on simple living.  Their lifestyles although wanted by many are basic and keep the locals self-sufficient. Their tropical paradise is a more than decent proposition.   However this is not always the case, certain countries may well depend on the influx of tourism, and it is for this case especially that resident and tourist cohesion need to be materialised by the way of community- visitor programmes which integrate tourism and the local population.

As a local in Gibraltar, I must say that certain initiatives are taken especially in the summer months.  A traditional culinary event is held in the month of June called the Calentita night, here both locals and tourists enjoy the fine food from all walks of life that inhabit in Gibraltar.  Gibraltar is a small community located in the Southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, it enjoys of more than 300 days of sunshine and fantastic scenic settings… what can I say about its people?.. Well, Gibraltarians are warming and will go out of their way to make any daily visitor or tourist welcome to our fantastic destination. If you ever decide to come and visit get in contact with us… we will happily assist you with your travel requirements whilst you are here, plus you can visit the famous apes or travel to Morocco… remember keep this in mind. Last Friday I enjoyed lunch in Gibraltar.. then travelled to Spain to visit some wine bodegas and finished the evening dining exquisitely in Morocco… we can deliver all this within a day.  Enjoy the best of three worlds with Blands Travel.


Happy Travelling